Peterborough: Brown Bin Collections Continue

Brown bin collections in Greater Peterborough, which residents initially had been told would stop from this month, will continue through until December 23.

Peterborough City Council's scheduled initially indicated brown bin collections would be suspended for the whole of December, January, February.

However after residents' concerns about having a full brown bin into the new year and the late leaf fall this season it will be re-instated.

The City Council have told Heart it will be back from Monday the 9th of December until Monday the 23rd of December.

Also, every resident will now have one last brown collection before Christmas on their usual collection day.

Councillor Gavin Elsey, Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation and Waste Management said: "There has been a particularly late leaf fall this year and residents had raised concerned with me and other councillors about the suspension of the brown bin collections as they did not want to have full brown bins sitting outside their homes into the New Year.

I have listened to these concerns and, working with Enterprise Peterborough have decided to reinstate the brown bin collection service to allow everyone one more opportunity for their brown bin to be collected before Christmas.

I would therefore ask you all to make sure you present your brown bins on your normal recycling collection day over the next two weeks. 

I would also ask that you pass this message around your friends, family and neighbours as we want to make sure everyone knows that these collections have been reinstated for the next fortnight."

These changes have been updated on the bin calendars available HERE
