School Closures In South & West Wales

Heart has all the latest information you need on school closures and travel news in one place.

Keep it Heart using the "listen to Heart" button above, on the Heart App or tune in from 105 to 106 FM for all the latest.

Weekdays from 6am, Heart Breakfast with Jamie Theakston and Amanda Holden will update you as you wake-up and from 4pm, Jagger and Woody will help you get you home safely.  

School Closures

Click on your council area on the map to find out if your school is closed:

(Information on school closures is maintained by the relevant authorities and Heart is not responsible for its accuracy.)

Public Transport

Get the latest service updates:

Great Western Railways | Transport for Wales

Arriva Bus | Stagecoach Bus | First Bus

Cardiff Airport | Bristol Airport

Travel News

Heart has the latest travel information every 15 minutes during Heart Breakfast with Jamie Theakston and Amanda Holden, from 6.30am til 10am, throughout the day, and from 4pm on Heart Drivetime with Jagger & Woody.

See Heart's live travel maps for South Wales or West Wales

Or use the links below to get the latest on Wales’ roads:

Traffic Wales Website | Severn Bridge website

What should I do if I've got problems with services in my home?

Water: Click here for Welsh Water's advice on making sure you're set for the bad weather

Gas: Click here to check any issues affecting the gas supply in your area from Wales & West Utilities

Electricity: Click here for Western Power Distribution's updates on power cuts
