The Bernie Mac Show aired on FOX for five seasons. The comedy series starred comedian Bernie Mac and chronicled the Hollywood actor as he and his wife Wanda raised his two nieces and nephew. The children give Bernie a tough time as he takes on the primary parenting duties as his wife works a traditional 9-5.
The show had a loyal viewership but suffered due to the network’s constant time period changes. Despite such, the show won several awards and surpassed 100 episodes, taking it into syndication territory before its eventual cancellation. Mac died just two years after the show’s end, leaving a lasting legacy.
It remains a fan favorite and is available on multiple streaming services, including Netflix. The actors have gone on to star in other projects but will always be remembered for their roles on the show. Here’s an update on what’s been going on with the cast since the show has gone off the airwaves.
Bernie Mac
Mac was the star and co-creator with the show, leading his family with tough love and comedy. Prior to the show, Mac was already a successful actor and standup comedian. He was one-fourth of the insanely successful comedy tour The Original Kings of Comedy. He’d had starring roles in Life, The Player’s Club, Guess Who, Charlies Angels: Full Throttle, Head of State, and Guess Who to name a few.
After the series ended, Mac faced health issues, revealing he suffered from sarcoidosis, a disease of unknown origin that causes inflammation in the tissue. The illness often attacked his lungs. Sadly, he died from complications from pneumonia in 2008 at the age of 50. His memorial was attended by more than 7,000, including Hollywood powerhouses and his co-stars.
Kelita Smith
Smith played the leading lady in Mac’s life – his wife, Wanda. Unlike the typical Hollywood housewife, Wanda is a VP at AT&T and takes a backseat to duties at home, allowing Mac to take the lead. She’s the patient one out of the two who builds her own special bond with the children, oftentimes being seen as the cool parent.
Smith spoke to The Real about getting the gig. “It was one of those roles where probably every African American woman wanted this part and it probably took them the span of a month and I was told no twice,” she revealed. A Chicago native like Mac, they became close friends off-camera.
Since the show ended, Smith continued acting. She’s had roles in television films such as A Deadly Adoption and Sharknado 3. She’s also done some standup comedy.
Camille Winbush
Winbush starred as Vanessa, the eldest child in the Mac household and gave her uncle the most trouble thanks to her smart mouth and sometimes rebellious attitude. She acts as a surrogate mother to her younger brother and sister. Over time, her relationship with Mac improves.
Winbush continues to book acting roles while also following her passion of music. Her singing ability was highlighted in an episode of The Bernie Mac Show that featured India.Arie. In 2002, she recorded “One Small Voice” and “The Night Before Christmas Song” for the compilation album School’s Out! Christmas. She also sang on the soundtrack of the Disney musical Geppetto. She’s performed at several fundraising galas throughout Los Angeles.
In terms of acting, Winbush has appeared on ER, Strong Medicine, Criminal Minds, and Grey’s Anatomy. On her downtime, she spends time with family and friends while sharing her precious moments on her Instagram account.
Jeremy Suarez
The nerdy yet troublesome middle child of the bunch, Suarez played the role of Jordan. Peculiar yet intelligent, he vies for his uncle’s attention as Mac tried his hardest to make Jordan more “cool.” They eventually settle on Jordan’s personality and develop a close relationship. Jordan also develops more social skills as he ages and gains confidence.
Suarez is extremely close with his television siblings and they meet often to spend time with one another. Like the rest of the cast, he’s continued acting, with roles in The Fix. He’s also led his voice to do voiceover work for video games.
Dee Dee Davis
The baby of the family and Mac’s favorite, Davis played Bryana, affectionately called “Baby Girl” by her uncle. Mac believes Baby Girl is sweet, innocent, and naive, though she terrorizes Jordan.
Davis has focused more on her personal life than acting after the show. She’s a mother to a toddler son and into fashion, showcasing her life on her Instagram account.